jueves, 21 de julio de 2011


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Child abuse and domestic violence often occur in the same family and are linked in a number of important ways that have serious consequences for the safety of all family members as well as for members of the larger community. First, where one form of family aviolence exists, there is a strong likelihood that the other one does too. Second, research shows that the impact on children of witnessing parental domestic violence is strikingly similar to the consequences of being directly abused by a parent, and both experiences are significant contributors to youth violence. Third, many of the factors highly associated with the occurrence of child abuse are also associated with domestic violence, and many of these are the same factors that put children at risk for youth violence and adult violent crime. Overlapping all these problems is substance abuse, which is associated with each form of violence as a co-factor. These linkages have important implications for intervention and prevention efforts.
1. De acuerdo al titulo y la imagen, ¿ cual cree usted que es el topico que esta a punto de leer?
  maltrato, violencia, gritos, violaciones,
2. Cual es la idea general del texto?
 la grave consecuencia que tiene la violencia para todos los mienbros tanto de la famila como de la comunidad
3. Que palabras se repiten?
and, members, violence, family, abused,
4. Que palabras se parecen al español?
prevention, family, factors,similar,experiences,
5. De que trata el texto
El maltrato infantil y violencia doméstica  se producen en la misma familia y vinculan  una serie de aspectos importantes que tienen graves consecuencias para la seguridad de todos
Entre los casos de abuso infantil, el 59% de las madres de los niños maltratados se han encontrado para ser golpeadas por sus hombres.

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