Domestic violence is any kind of abuse of power on the part of a member of the family over another. This abuse includes physical, psychological or any other abuse. It considers that there is domestic violence in a home, if there is a repetitive violent attitude, not a single isolated event.
The victim of domestic violence is any person regarded as spouse of the perpetrator or that have lived together in some way with him. It could thus be towards a current common-law or ex-partner, among parents of a common child, or a blood relative up to the third grade. In addition, it is important to emphasize that child abuse, violence towards the elderly, disabled people and between spouses are considered within the domestic violence. In this last type of abuse the most common is on the part of men to women; However, there are also some cases of violence of women to men
towards = humanizar ( DE CONTENIDO)
emphasize= destacar ( DE CONTENIDO)
between = discriminar ( DE CONTENIDO)
common = acuerdo, juicio, orden, causa.( DE CONTENIDO)
however = ahora, ser, querer, mucha ( DE FUNCION O ESTRUCTURA)
sustantivo (s) =
adjetivo (adj) = common,
vervo (v) = emphasize
preposicion (prep)= towards
adjetivo (adj) = common
preposicion (prep)= towards
adverbio (adv) = between,
Categoria lexicales:
sustantivo (s) = violence, victim.
adjetivo (adj) = common, most
verbo (v) = emphasize
preposicion (prep)= towards,of
adverbio (adv) = between, However,together
prefijo (pref) = In,ex